I can’t believe how excited I am to announce that starting April 20th, and ending some time in October, 2019, I will attempt to thru-hike the Continental Divide Trail (CDT).
The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (in short Continental Divide Trail (CDT)) is a United States National Scenic Trail, running 3,100 miles (5,000 km) between Mexico and Canada. It follows the Continental Divide of the Americas along the Rocky Mountains and traverses five U.S. states — Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico
It will be an incredibly inspirational yet also harrowing 6 month adventure lending itself to personal growth, adaptation, and artistic inspiration. My goal is to collect images and experiences that I will later use to inspire a series of oil paintings, focusing on my physical and emotional experience in a constantly evolving landscape.
Check out my instagram feed:https://www.instagram.com/annievarnot/?hl=en for daily posts while on trail. I am eager to synthesize my collected data and experiences from the trail into a body of inspiring contemporary landscape paintings.